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National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month

University of Maryland Preparedness Initiatives

National Preparedness Month


September is National Preparedness Month. Preparedness is a shared responsibility, it takes a whole community. Leading into the month and during the month of September, UMD Emergency Management will be engaging the UMD community on emergency preparedness. Below is a list of ways that UMD Emergency Management will participate during National Preparedness Month:

Promote UMD Alerts, UMD SOS app, M-Urgency, and the UMD Emergency Preparedness website

  • Promote these communications via FYI, DOTS advertising, the UMD Emergency Preparedness website
  • Promote at the Protect Your Shell Fair

2013 Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill

  • There will be flyers posted throughout campus and online to promote and encourage participation in the 2013 Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill that will occur on October 17, 2013 at 10:17a.m. “Drop, Cover, Hold On!”
  • Post flyers via FYI, DOTS advertising, The Diamondback, and the UMD Emergency Preparedness Facebook Page, UMPD Facebook Page

National Preparedness Month Ad

  • Run an ad for National Preparedness Month on Wednesday, September 11, 2013.

Flashlight Keychains

  • Provide free LED flashlight keychains give-a-ways at the First Look Fair and Benefits Fair. The purpose of providing free LED flashlight keychains is to help the UMD community build an emergency kit, which is part of the National Preparedness Month campaign.

UMD Alerts Emergency Preparedness Handouts

  • Provide UMD Alerts Emergency Preparedness Handouts at the Protect Your Shell Fair, First Look Fair, and Benefits Fair.



For more information on National Preparedness Month, you can visit

For any questions on emergency preparedness at UMD, please e-mail


A joint project between the University Police and Resident Life, Stop. Observe. Seek Information. (SOS) is a safety awareness campaign to promote situational awareness, crime prevention, and emergency preparedness for our University of Maryland community.

We launched the UMD SOS app to provide community members with on-the-go reference for various emergency situations. The UMD SOS app will also provide up-to-date information distributed by the campus system.

The app is currently available for iOS mobile devices via the app store. An Android version is currently being worked on and will be available soon.


  UMD students, faculty, and staff can use M-Urgency to contact the University of Maryland Police Department (UMPD) for emergency services. M-Urgency sends live audio and video from your smartphone directly to UMPD, enabling fast and appropriate dispatch for emergency assistance. The M-Urgency app is available for iOS and Android devices at


College Park, MD: For additional information, please contact Sgt. Aaron Davis at 301-405-9960.




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