Please join us in congratulating Captain Laura Dyer.
She retired from the University of Maryland Police Department in April, after serving 30 outstanding years of service to the University of Maryland community.
In recognition of her retirement, Chief Mitchell issued a Proclamation:
Whereas, Captain Dyer has proudly and meritoriously served this agency and the University community since her hire in the Fall of 1989 as a Student Police Aide;
Whereas, in working with community and university peers and leaders, Captain Dyer has earned a level of respect due only to those demonstrating the highest levels of dedication, education, preparedness, and integrity;
Whereas, within the ranks of the University of Maryland Police Department, Captain Dyer is known as a meticulous planner, an articulate writer, a consistent leader, and a peaceful instructor;
Whereas, in the course of handling planned and unplanned events of significant magnitude, Captain Dyer has prepared our agency, our allies, our university, and our community with poise, precision, and professionalism;
it is the duty, honor, and privilege of the University of Maryland Police Department to recognize Captain Laura Dyer on the occasion of her retirement after thirty years of outstanding performance.
Congratulations from your family at the University of Maryland Police Department.